Our CSR commitments

Purchasing policy

We pay particular attention to ethical business practices with our partners. We have been working for over 15 years with a long-standing panel of suppliers with whom we maintain a partnership of trust, which is why we have engaged in a true dialogue with them on all issues of social and environmental impact in order to confirm and solidify fair practices, duty of care and anti-corruption.

Our Responsible Purchasing policy in 2024

1- Drafting of a Responsible Purchasing Charter, currently signed by 95% of our suppliers.

2- Modification of our general conditions of purchase to include commitments linked to our Responsible Purchasing Charter.

3- Commitment to a minimum average payment term for suppliers.

4- Continue to maintain a relationship of trust with our suppliers and create lasting links and ongoing dialogue on our respective CSR issues.

5- Structure our responsible purchasing approach by committing to the national responsible purchasing program and signing the “Relation Fournisseurs Achats Responsables” charter.

We have been a signatory of the RFAR Charter since September 27, 2024.

Environmental commitments

In the fight against pollution linked to digital tools, Hemrex is committed to :

  • Use the FileVert site to transfer large files to control our carbon footprint and become an agent of change.
  • Reduce sending e-mails and attachments when not necessary.
  • Use of laptops for employees, as they consume less energy than fixed computers.
  • Regularly sort out obsolete e-mails to reduce the environmental cost of storing them.
  • Repair damaged equipment rather than buying new.
  • Use no black font colors (#000000), only shades of gray.

In the fight against pollution linked to office activities, Hemrex is committed to :

  • Purchase paper from forests managed according to environmental and social criteria.
  • Reuse cardboard boxes for shipping.
  • Print only when necessary and on both sides.
  • Raise team awareness of water and energy consumption.
  • Encourage the use of water bottles and reusable dishes.
  • Commit to reducing waste in order to limit pollution.

To reduce the environmental impact of transport, Hemrex is committed to :

  • Give priority to walking for customer appointments.
  • Encourage team members to use public transport for all types of travel.
  • Use videoconferencing whenever possible.
  • Use a hybrid vehicle for business trips and deliveries.

Hemrex has chosen to implement a responsible purchasing charter to ensure the presence of :

Certifications, labels or charters that guarantee quality products, a healthy working environment for employees or commitments to CSR.

For all customer requests, Hemrex offers an eco-responsible alternative to conventional materials. (depending on feasibility) In particular, more eco-friendly raw materials and/or local products.

Social commitments

Raising employee awareness:

The CSR Charter is given to new employees as soon as they join the company, to make them aware of the challenges of the CSR approach and the company’s values.


Hemrex is committed to supporting local and national associations.

Hemrex calls on ESATs (Établissements médicosociaux de travail protégé, reserved for people with disabilities) for all requests for enveloping and cleaning of graduation outfits. Their vocation is to facilitate the social and professional integration or reintegration of disabled people.

Quality of life at work :

Hemrex is committed to pursuing its actions in favor of a better quality of life at work :

  • Maintain a work-life balance.
  • Respect employees’ right to disconnect during rest periods and vacations.
  • Listen to company members so that they can report any problems or harassment….
  • Encourage team cohesion and dialogue through weekly meetings, individual interviews and participative management.
    Apply a remuneration policy consistent with the business sector.
    Ensure the well-being of working conditions.
    All measures to guarantee the health and safety of our employees.

Equal opportunities

Hemrex is committed to :

  • To fight all forms of discrimination in hiring, remuneration and career development.

Economic commitments

Customer satisfaction :

Improve customer satisfaction by listening to our customers and being open to any improvements.

Developing the local and regional economy :

Contribute to the development of the local economy by promoting short circuits and national craftsmanship.

Contribute to the economic development of the sustainable market:

Increase our share of products from the sustainable market in order to actively participate in the growth of this market.

Decision-making :

Hemrex’s strategic decisions are taken with a view to achieving objectives that take into account the company’s interests and those of its stakeholders (employees, customers, suppliers, local authorities, etc.).

Purchasing policy :

Prioritize responsible purchasing from trusted partners with labels and/or certification.

Competition :

Respect competition rules and prohibit all practices that hinder the free play of competition.

Transparency, ethics and corruption :

  • Hemrex is committed to providing transparent, reliable and truthful information to its stakeholders.
  • We have zero tolerance for corruption. We will terminate our contractual relations in the event of any behavior that contravenes the law.
  • Hemrex is committed to behaving ethically in its strategy and day-to-day business conduct.