How should you dress for a graduation ceremony?

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Graduation is a highly symbolic event in the life of a university student, often marking the end of many years of study and the transition from university to working life in the professional world.

Although the dress code for graduation ceremonies is very different in France from that in other countries such as the United States, it is worth finding out whether the ceremony includes a presentation in appropriate attire. We all have in mind those epinal images of American students in consensual regalia, throwing off their hats at the end of a graduation ceremony.

Although we are a long way from this tradition in France, some professions require young graduates to be dressed in the customary university regalia. Graduation ceremonial attire generally consists of a gown, known as the university gown, a stole, a cap with a graduation tassel.

It is important to bear in mind that the style and colour of the university gown and its accessories will differ depending on the degree obtained or the professional federation concerned. Graduates will have to choose their regalia according to their degree course and the recommendations of their lecturers for a matte or shiny, plain or two-tone university gown, a bachelor’s gown, a doctoral gown, a master’s gown, etc.

Can you customize your university gown for a graduation ceremony?

Provided that all students wear the same model of gown, it is entirely possible to add a number of personalisation options to the official garment, such as prints, embroidery, the year of the graduating class, the university logo or even the name of each student for even more personal gowns.

As well as students attending the graduation ceremony in their official attire, professors, lecturers and university presidents need to wear gowns that reflect their rank and are often a sign of recognition for a school.
For all these needs in terms of solemn ceremonial dress, you can call on the services of a company that makes made-to-measure gowns, such as HEMREX, France’s leading designer of clothing and accessories for graduation ceremonies.